Discover how you can achieve more each day without working longer hours.

process Dec 01, 2021
We often wish there are more hours in the day. Even though we have more so called time saving tools and machines we seam to have less time, and our lives are busier than ever.
As a Solo-preneur, or being Self Employed we wear all the hats. From marketing and promotion, sales calls and transactions, handling the finances, managing cashflow, getting the invoices out, processing the accounts, all on top of actually doing the mahi (work). We then have things like health and safety, compliance, and tax.
And that's just the business side of life . We then have other responsibilities around the home whether as a parent, carer, serving at church or sports clubs and we want time to enjoy hobbies and recreation too, which often is one of the first things to go. We need to allow for the covid factor too.
Quite frankly it can be all too overwhelming and exhausting, which is why 85% of businesses don't make their 5th Birthday.
The good news is it...
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Are you using the business chassis to grow your business?

process Nov 30, 2021
Are you using “The Business Chassis” to grow your business?
The Business Chassis is a great tool for you to grow your sales and generate more revenue for your business in just 5 simple steps:
What part of the business chassis do you want to focus on?
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5 Reasons Why I Have Struggled With Online And Social Media

process Nov 18, 2021
5 Reasons I have struggled with Online and Social Media.
Something I have always struggled with is embracing the online space, social media and using it to serve others and grow my business. Here are the 5 reasons why:
#1- I’m an in person, face to face guy.
Being part Māori we value “kanohi ki te kanohi” meeting people (face to face). There’s so much more to communication, language and relationship building when connecting with someone face to face. Different senses, attentiveness, and feeling is experienced compared to other forms such as the online space. There’s just so much more depth and richness in the connection, where trust, rapport and empathy can be established.
#2- Networking.
Networking in person has been very successful for me personally. When I first started out in business I joined a networking group called BNI (Business Networking International ). All the groups in Ōtautahi /...
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5 Strategies to Help You Achieve Your Goals

goals process Jun 18, 2021


One reason people fail when trying to accomplish something is that they think the results should be immediate. We have trained ourselves for instant gratification and if it doesn't happen now we are more inclined to give up. Some goals take time, and you will learn and grow from the experience. No matter what you want to accomplish, you can make it happen as long as you have the right strategies and stick with it long enough to see the results. Here are 5 strategies that can help you achieve your goals:


  1. Set SMART Goals


Setting smart goals will help you be more successful in accomplishing your goals. As you may have noticed, the uppercase lettering in the word above is there for emphasis. It is an acronym by which you can assess goals to see if they fit the requirements of being specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and have a designated timeframe for completion. Goals or tasks that fit these requirements have a higher probability of success....

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The Process of Change

goals process purpose Jun 09, 2021

The Five Stages of Change


When going through changes in our personal, professional or business life we tend to go through this process in stages. What we have to keep in mind through the whole process is our end goals and our purpose for engaging in this change. One way we can power through each stage of change is by being aware of what is in store for us at each point. So let’s outline the 5 key stages in the process of change.


The first stage is… EXCITEMENT!!

This is where we are feeling really excited and enthusiastic about our decision to change and we are anticipating all of the positive results that the process of change is going to bring us. For example if you are considering buying a house you can’t wait to have to own space, to be on the property ladder and start to be paying your own mortgage instead of a stranger’s. This change is going to be awesome and you can’t wait, until…


The second stage…...

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