Creating a Vision and Mission Statement

Creating vision and mission statements is a great technique to help you get what you want out of life. Vision and mission statements can help you define and clarify your business goals and your personal life.

For example, in a business situation, you could have a Team meeting where everyone can contribute equally. You could ask your Team what strategies worked in the last six or 12 months and why. You could then share what you want to achieve with your team in the next six months and ask them for suggestions on how to go about it. This way, all Team members are involved in the discussion, and as long as you inspire them to share your vision, they will want to help you achieve your objectives.

In a personal situation, you may want to write down how you would picture your perfect day. What would you like to be doing three or six months from now? How would that make you feel? Be playful, creative and inspired when you write about your perfect day. Embrace the emotions your thoughts invoke as you put pen to paper. By involving your emotions, your perfect day will seem more tangible and possible to achieve.

Once you have written down what you want your life to be like, you have activated your subconscious mind. You will now be looking for opportunities to bring you closer to your perfect day or ideal business situation. Whenever an opportunity comes your way, seize it! By creating vision and mission statements, you are helping to create your own future.

Once you’ve written your vision and mission statement, don’t hide it away in a drawer so you’ll forget about it. Place it on your wall where you can see it every day. Please read it to yourself daily, and make sure you feel good about doing so. This will help reinforce what you want to achieve and how you want to live your life.

Creating vision and mission statements can be a great way of achieving your goals. Whether they’re for business or personal situations, they really do work if you follow the above tips.

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